
Monday, December 19, 2016

Aircraft Maintenance Class - Done for Now!

InventorTales has been a little quiet for the last few weeks, and that's because I've been head down in Aircraft Maintenance classes again.

It's fascinating, and, at times, frustrating.  It meant an additional 25 hours per week in class on top of the 40 hours a week I put into my day job.

The lab at Mount San Antonio College where I learn how airplanes tick.

It's fascinating, and, at times, frustrating.

It was 12 long weeks of studying sheet metal, metal alloys, wood and fabric construction, and composites.  

Those classes gave me lessons that will go far beyond the classroom.

There is more to laying out rivets than meets the eye...

But I don't want to turn this into bragging about what I did in class.  What now for InventorTales?

I'll have the next few weeks off of class, and in that time, I'm planning on getting reacquainted with Fusion 360, and sharing a bit of what I learn.

So stay posted, and enjoy this holiday season!

1 comment:

  1. about airplaine Said:
    I am pleased to see aircraft maintenance classes post! You know I learned a lot of reading through this post. I should follow all this reading. I hope the post will help me a lot. Thanks and keep it up!
