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Friday, October 18, 2024

3D Printed Parts for an Aircraft Restoration - An Update

I think it's about time to update on my project 3d printing "faux gun barrels" for the restoration on a Bell P39 Airacobra non-flying display.

A restored P-39 Airacobra

The P-39 Airacobra I'm helping restore.

There's been some progress since my previous post!

The black PETG I was waiting for arrived, and I printed the new barrels using black instead of the gray I used for a test fit. 

One of the finished barrels

I found the PEtG I used worked well, but it was a little "stringy", and the finish wasn't quite as good as PLA or ABS. But it's nothing that a little sanding can't fix. It also helps that the barrels will be buried inside the flash suppressors, so a lot of them won't be seen. 

One of the guns temporarily placed in its the suppressor

What's left now is a final sanding to knock of the layer lines and a weathering to make the barrels look a little more weathered. 

Overall, it's been a pretty good first attempt!


Monday, September 30, 2024

3D Printed Parts for an Aircraft Restoration

Recently, I had an opportunity to mix some modern technology with the restoration of an 80 year old airplane.

The project is a Bell P-39 Airacobra, which is being restored to be a non-flying display at Planes of Fame Air Museum. One of the tasks I was given was to come up with four faux .030 caliber machine gun barrels for the wing mounts. 

An example of a restored P-39 Airacobra
By San Diego Air and Space Museum ArchivesUploaded by Bzuk at en.wikipedia - Source, Public Domain,

The P-39 I'm helping with has a little ways to go before its finished!

All that was needed was a short length four to six inches so it looked like there was a barrel inside the flash suppressor. 

Given the tools I had available to me, I opted to 3D print the barrels. 

The first step was to get some measurements. Fortunately, Planes of Fame has an SNJ Texan that has a fake 30 caliber machine gun barrel I could use for measurements.

The SNJ and the barrel I could use for measurements.

With measurements sketched on a piece of paper,, I headed home andI created the model I needed in Autodesk Fusion. It wasn't a difficult model. I had it in about an hour or so. 

The 3D Model in Autodesk Fusion

The next step was to print it out. My plan was to print in black PETG, but it didn't arrive before the weekend, so I printed in gray PLA so I would have something to test fit. 

The PLA Print in Progress

Once Saturday rolled around, I had a chance to see how the test barrel fit. 

I was pleasantly surprised to see it fit well! It fit perfectly in one flash suppressor, and should go into the other three with a little light sanding. 

The 3D printed test part next to its "sample

The 3D printed part placed in its tube. 
Its not fully seated here.

The 3D printed barrel recessed in the tube. 
This will be its final position.

The next step? Print in the PETG I intended to, perform another test fit, and make preparations for permanent attachment.

In conclusion, it was a unique experience to be able to be able to use Fusion to create a model that could be 3D printed for the restoration. I'm grateful for the opportunity.  

But my part was indeed small, and I'm not the only one creating models that are turning into parts for this restoration. 

To see some amazing Inventor work that has turned into real parts for this restoration, check out Aviation CAD Technotes here! 

One last bit of "Legal Talk".

Any opinions expressed here are my own, and not necessarily those of Planes of Fame Air Museum. 

Friday, August 16, 2024

Barstool Philosophy - My Lessons From a Dog-Eared Notebook.

 A few years ago, I developed what some might consider an odd habit as I started to learn aircraft mechanics. 

Every weekend, I'd sit at the local watering hole, enjoy an "adult beverage" (responsibly of course), and do something not many people see in a pub.

I'd pull out a composition notebook, and write down a few things I learned. 

You read that right, a notebook, writing with a pen and paper. 

Sometimes it took me five minutes. Sometimes it took me thirty minutes, but I always tried to get those notes record that lesson learned..  

It might be something I learned not to do, or some pearl of wisdom from a silver haired mechanic who had been working on airplanes since Kennedy was President of the United States. 

I don't recall what prompted me to do it. But I found the act of putting my thoughts on that paper with ink helped me slow down and rethink the lesson. It gave me the ability to relive the lesson, and hopefully commit it to a deeper memory. 

Eventually, after a few years of collecting notes, I've got a very well used, and nearly full notebook full of lessons. 

Looking at that somewhat beat up notebook, I realized it's a collection of knowledge and experience, something I can look back, and reflect on. 

At some point I plan on transferring those lessons electronically, I may even do that on on this blog. While this lessons aren't CAD related, they at the very least may teach transferable lessons to the CAD world. 

For now, I'll leave you all with this thought. consider coming up with your own version of the dog-eared notebook. We all learn something every day. 

Maybe we just need to take a few minutes to slow down, and remember the lessons. 

They can pay off one day, either for yourself, or perhaps for the next person that comes along. 

About the Author:

Jonathan Landeros is a degreed Mechanical Engineer and certified Aircraft Maintenance Techncian. He designs in Autodesk Inventor at work, and Autodesk Fusion 360 for home projects. 

For fun he cycles, snowboards, and turns wrenches on aircraft. 

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Barstool Philosophy - When Did I Become the Expert!

Every once in a while, I responsibly enjoy an "adult beverage" and ponder life. 

I call it "barstool philosophy".  

The beverage over which much
wistom is shared

Recently,  I celebrated my 51st time riding a giant rock around a "gianter" ball of fire floating in the vast expanse of space. 

Only a few days after that, I found myself helping seal the fabric envelope on a 1940s vintage  Taylorcraft. 

The Taylorcraft with fabric
over its steel tube frame

But this time "helping" meant handing the brush to someone half my age and saying, "you're up, kid".  

Somehow, when someone said, "he's the expert", and we looked around for that guy, I realized the eyes were looking at me. 

It didn't seem right. There's so much I don't know, so much I haven't done yet. 

I learned, or rather re-learned, teaching is a different mindset.

It's watching, guiding, stepping in, but not too much. It's saying, "if you do that, this bad thing will happen. Ask me how I know."

But we reached the finish-line in that milestone. The end product was pretty good 

The kids looked at me and said , "I hope we did good. "

Little do they know, the thought going through my mind was...

"I hope I did good."

So what lessons did I learn from this anecdote? \ "old guy with experience". I'm not sure when that happened. 

But happened it did. And I realized I had something to offer. While I don't know it all, the years had taught me more than I realized. Things that had become second nature by me were new, valuable lessons to those just starting out. 

Somewhere, without my realizing it happened, I became a mentor. 

I learned patience. I learned to look at a student and say, "You made this mistake. This is what you did wrong." And with a wry smile I'd say, with accurate self-deprecation, "Ask me how I know. I did it too.' 

And finally..

This post is pretty far removed from the Computer Aided Design Posts I've done in the past. My life and career has evolved. I'm not as deep in 3D modeling tools as I once was. The versions I use are old, and I don't use them at the level I did a few years go. 

But the lesson shares common ground.

For those of use who have a little more gray in our hair, and find ourselves squinting a little harder at our screens because "someone made the fonts smaller". 

Look to the fresh faced kids who were born after we graduated high school. 

You might have something to teach them.