And improvements to the hole tool has been one I'm waiting for! They've integrated threads into the hole tool
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Holes and threads in the same dialog box now. It's |
I grant you, I don't think much new was added. But now, instead of having to create a hole, then go to a separate thread tool to add screw threads, it can all be done from one dialog box.
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The new thread dialog box and thread section |
I'm sure there's a corporate buzzword for this, like "synergy", or "paradigm shift", or maybe even "synergistic paradigm shift in the way we shift or synergistic paradigms".
Who knows?
But I just think it's going to make adding threaded holes a lot smoother. I'm looking forward to giving it a try when I have an opportunity.
While true enough, I don't get to use Fusion as much as I would like, this tool is making me want to make more time for it!
And there's more new tools to check out with Fusion 360! You can see the full list of whats new in this update at the link here!
But on this night, it's time for bed, much like my kitty cat "Runtley the Runtling" is telling me!
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